
Only use the following abbreviations:

col. = column (Lat.: columna); cols = columns (= Lat.: columnae);
e.g. = exempli gratia (Lat. expression for “for example”)
ed. = editor; eds = editors;
et al. = et alteri/alii (Lat. expression for “and other authors” or “and other places;” in bibliographical references)
etc. = et cetera (Lat. expression for “and other similar things,” “and so forth,” at the end of a list)
fig. = figure;
figs = figures;
no. = number;
p. = page; pp. = pages;
p. = part;
pl. = plate; pls = plates;
vol. = volume; vols = volumes.
fol. = folio (from Lat. “folium” = leaf); used as page numbering for most manuscripts and some books. Both sides of the leaf are meant. The expressions “recto” and “verso” have to be used to designate the first and second sides.
r = recto;
v = verso;


fol. 2r = the first side of leaf 2, that is on the right side in the manuscript.
fol. 8v = the rear side of leaf 8, that is on the left side in the manuscript.