Candida Syndikus 辛蒂庫絲
Ph.D., M.A.
Cavaliere della Stella d’Italia (Knight of the Star of Italy)

Current Position 現職
Professor, Graduate Institute of Art History,National Taiwan Normal University


Work Address 工作地址
Graduate Institute of Art History, National Taiwan Normal University
162, He-ping East Road, Section 1, Taipei 10610, Taiwan 10610

Education 學歷


Venia legendi (Postdoctoral Lecture Qualification) in Art History


Ph.D., University of Würzburg, Germany (Western Art History), (Publication: Leon Battista Alberti—The Architectural Ornament, in German, 1996)


M.A., University of Würzburg, Germany (Western Art History)

1981.11.~ 1987.07.

Studies of Art History, Medieval History, Auxiliary Sciences of History, and Classical Archeology, University of Würzburg, Germany

Specialization 專長
Italian Renaissance, Architecture and Architectural Theory
Architectural Ornament and Theory of the Ornament from the Renaissance to the 20th Century
Venetian Renaissance Painting
Painting of German Historicism
Cultural Travelling
Reception of Renaissance Art in the Nineteenth Century

Work Experience 經歷

2017.08. ~ 2023.08.

Director: Graduate Institute of Art History, NTNU

2010.08. ~ present

Professor: Graduate Institute of Art History, NTNU

2002.08 ~ 2010.07.

Associate Professor: Institute of Art History, University of Münster

2009.01. ~ 2009.12.

Research Associate: Sonderforschungsbereich 496 “Symbolische Kommunikation und gesellschaftliche Wertesysteme” (Collaborative Research Centre 496: “Symbolic Communication and Social Value Systems”) Project B2: “‘Virtus’ in Kunst und Kunsttheorie der italienischen Renaissance” (“‘Virtus’ in Art and Artistic Theory of the Italian Renaissance”)

2001.01 ~ 2003.12.

Research Fellow: Padua, Italy (Foundation Gerda Henkel, Düsseldorf, Germany)

1994.08 ~ 2000.07.

Assistant Professor: University of Münster, Institute of Art History

1991.01. ~ 1999.12.

Editorial Assistant: Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte (Journal of the History of Art)

1991.01. ~ 1994.12.

Research Associate: Institute of Art History, University of Münster

Honors 榮譽


Cavaliere della Stella d’Italia (Knight of the Star of Italy) granted by the Republic of Italy for special merits in the promotion of friendly relations and cooperation between Italy and other countries

2001.03.06 ~ 2003.03.06

Research Fellow, Gerda Henkel Stiftung, Düsseldorf


Memberships 會員

Since March 2021

External Editorial Board Member of Fu Jen Journal of Foreign Languages: Linguistics, Literature and Culture

Since October 2020

Board Directors’ Committee Member of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Since July 2019

Editorial Board Member Studia Albertiana Vindobonensia. Neulateinische Studien zu Leon Battista Alberti (University of Vienna, Austria)

Since 2000

Member of the Association of the Centro Tedesco di Studi Veneziani, Venice


Publications 出版
Journal Papers 期刊文章 (Selection)


“Introduction: Cultures of Travel,” in: Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies 48, no. 2, September 2022, pp. 3–4


“The Lady in Black at Asolo and the Portraits of Caterina Cornaro as Queen Dowager,” in: The Secrets of a Royal Portrait, Nicosia: Leventis Foundation, 2019, pp. 70–77


“Between Workshop Practice and Art Theory: Artistic Formation in Renaissance Venice,” in: Hui-zung Perng (ed.), Culture of Learning. Papers on Passions for Learning from the Classical Medieval and Renaissance Culture and Literature, Chang-hua: National Chang-hua University of Education, 2018, pp. 99–117


“Images of Renaissance Heroines in Nineteenth-Century Painting: Caterina Cornaro, Bianca Capello, Lucrezia Borgia,” in: Lina Bolzoni and Alina Payne (eds.), The Italian Renaissance in the 19th Century. Revision, Revival and Return (I Tatti Studies; 1), Milan: Officina Libraria, 2018, pp. 391–416


“Il committente e l’artista. Polemiche e controversie sull’arte nella Venezia rinascimentale,” in: Rotraud von Kulessa/Daria Perocco/Sabine Meine (eds.), Conflitti culturali a Venezia dalla prima età moderna ad oggi, Florence: Franco Cesati Editore, 2014, pp. 147–168


“A Poet’s Image between Antimyth and Self-Reflection. Anselm Feuerbach’s Death of Pietro Aretino (1854),” in: Candida Syndikus (ed.), Representation and Show. Studies in Nineteenth-Century Art, Taipei: SMC Publishing Inc., 2013, pp. 137–208 (Shida Studies in Art History; vol. 2)


“Tra autenticità storica e invenzione romantica. L’immagine di Caterina Cornaro nella tradizione artistica e storico-artistica dell’Otto e Novecento,” in: Candida Syndikus/Sabine Rogge (eds.), Caterina Cornaro – Last Queen of Cyprus and Daughter of Venice/Ultima regina di Cipro e figlia di Venezia, Münster: Waxmann, 2013, pp. 33–80


“Virtus Romana und Virtus Patavina – Der Freskenzyklus der Sala dei Giganti im Palazzo del Capitano von Padua,” in: Thomas Weigel (ed.), Leitbild Tugend. Die Virtus-Thematik in italienischen Kommunalpalästen und Fürstenresidenzen der Renaissance, proceedings of an international conference, Münster 2010, Münster: Rhema-Verlag, 2013, pp. 315–365


“Far from the modern world… Anselm Feuerbach’s idea of modernity,” in: Shai-Shu Tzeng (ed.), Agents of Modernity, Taipei: SMC Publishing Inc., 2011, pp. 63–113 (Shida Studies in Art History; vol. 1)


“Von der ‘Stadt der Toten’ zum ‘Tod in Venedig.’ Anselm Feuerbach und Venedig,” in: Anselm Feuerbach: Stationen: Düsseldorf–Venedig–Wien, Schriftenreihe    der Stadt Speyer; vol. 18, pp. 58–123


“Porta und Arcus. Stadttor     und Triumphbogen bei Alberti,” in: Joachim Poeschke and Candida Syndikus (eds), Leon Battista Alberti: Humanist, Kunsttheoretiker, Architekt, 29–30 October 2004, pp. 257–278


“Zur Darstellung von antiken und antikisierenden Skulpturen in der venezianischen Malerei des frühen Cinquecento,” in: Johannes Myssok and Jürgen Wiener (eds), Docta Manus. Studien zur italienischen Skulptur für Joachim Poeschke,    pp. 225–238


“Forum e arcus: Leon Battista Alberti e l’architettura nelle prime opere di Andrea Mantegna,” in: Arturo Calzona, Francesco Paolo Fiore, Alberto Tenenti, and Cesare Vasoli  (eds), Leon Battista Alberti teorico delle arti e gli impegni civili del “De  re aedificatoria.”, 23–25 October 2003, vol. 2, pp. 893–912


“‘Aber Caterina schlägt alles’: Hans Makart malt die Königin von Zypern,” in: Damian Dombrowski (ed.), Zwischen den Welten: Beiträge

zur Kunstgeschichte für Jürg  Meyer zur Capellen. Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag, pp. 262–280


“Aphrodite oder Medusa? Frühe Bildnisse der Caterina Cornaro, Königin von Zypern,” in: Sabine Rogge (ed.), Zypern: Insel im Brennpunkt der Kulturen, vol. 1, Münster: Waxmann, pp. 225–247


“Wilhelm Rincklake und das Grabmal der  Fürstin Gallitzin,” in: Petra Schulz and Erpho Bell (eds), “Meine Seele ist auf der Spitze meiner Feder.” Amalia Fürstin von Gallitzin (1748–1806) (Schriften der Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Münster), Münster: Ardey Verlag, 1998, pp. 119–221, 236–239


“Die baugeschichtliche Stellung der Pfarrkirche St. Agatha in Angelmodde, in:  Chronik Angelmodde 10, 1996, pp. 145–194


“Zu Leon Battista Albertis Studium der Basilica Aemilia auf dem Forum Romanum,” in: Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte 57, pp. 319–330


“Bemerkungen zur Architektur und Bauornamentik der ehemaligen Abteikirche von Küstelberg, in: Zeitschrift Westfalen 70, 1992, pp. 75–91

Books 專書


together with Metra Lin, Cen Long. Vita e arte / Life and Art, Cinisello Balsamo (Milan): SilvanaEditoriale, 2024


as guest editor: Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies 48, no. 2, September 2022 (Proceedings of the International Conference “Cultures of Travel,” NTNU, October 2021)


as editor together with Thomas Weigel and Britta Kusch-Arnhold (eds.), Die Virtus in Kunst und Kunsttheorie der italienischen Renaissance (Virtue in Art and Art Theory of the Italian Renaissance). Joachim Poeschke zum 65. Geburtstag, Münster: Rhema Verlag, 2014


as editor: Representation and Show. Studies in Nineteenth-Century Art, Taipei: SMC Publishing Inc., 2013 (Shida Studies in Art History; vol. 2)as editor with Sabine Rogge (eds.), Caterina Cornaro – Last Queen of Cyprus and Daughter of Venice/Ultima regina di Cipro e figlia di Venezia, Münster: Waxmann, 2013


as editor with Joachim Poeschke, Leon Battista Alberti: Humanist, Kunsttheoretiker, Architekt. Proceedings of the International Congress, Münster: Rhema-Verlag, 2008


Leon Battista Alberti: Das Bauornament, Münster: Rhema-Verlag, 1996


with Joachim Poeschke and Thomas Weigel, Mittelalterliche Kirchen in Münster, Munich: Hirmer-Verlag, 1993


Projects 計畫


Physical and Spiritual Healing in the Imagery of the Venetian Renaissance (NSTC)


TACMRS Annual International Conference 2021 “Cultures of Travel. Tourism, Pilgrimage, Migration,” sponsored by MOST, NTNU, and TACMRS (2021.10.22–2021.10.23)


From Locus Terribilis to Locus Amoenus—Venetian Images of the Terraferma in Times of War (1500–1530) (MOST)


Art and Ritual in the Lay Confraternities of Renaissance Padua (MOST)


Portraits of a Renaissance Lady—Picturing Caterina Cornaro, Queen of Cyprus (MOST)


German Painters in Nineteenth-Century Venice—Myth, Experience and Reflection (1815–1880)